123 Clubb, Oliver Edmund: Telegram

The Consul General at Shanghai ( Josselyn ) to the Secretary of State

372. Following from Clubb:

“I believe that although reopening Harbin still unapproved by FonOff I could probably perform useful function by proceeding Manchuria at this time and prior to extension requisite Chinese approval acting as general observer, temporarily attached if it seems desirable to Mukden office but in any event confidentially authorized travel Changchun, Dairen and such other points as might be feasible. (Sent to Department as Shanghai serial no. 372, March 6, 11 a.m.; repeated to Chungking as Shanghai serial No. 156; ReEmbtel 389, February 28, 2 p.m. to Department.18)

Nominal ultimate assignment might still well be to reopen Harbin office in due course.

Therefore request authorization now proceed Peiping for consultation and subsequently, if Chase or Sturgeon succeeds in entering Manchuria, proceed same destination”.

  1. Telegram No. 389 not printed.