125.461/1–1846: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in China

112. Now that Chinese Govt appears to be extending its authority in Manchuria Dept is desirous of proceeding with plans for the reopening of offices at Harbin, Mukden and Dairen. Clubb2 temporarily assigned Harbin is en route Shanghai and Sturgeon3 and Chase4 are available there for assignment Mukden and Dairen.

Dept intends assign Chase Harbin permanently but feels other permanent assignments Manchuria should await arrival officers and other personnel. Request recommendation now on personnel to proceed to Manchuria soon as possible (Para 6 Butrick’s5 29 from Shanghai Oct 306).

Dept desires (Deptel 138, Nov 8, 11 a.m.7) that you inform FonOff of our wish to reopen offices at Harbin, Mukden and Dairen as soon as practicable, that you request the concurrence and assistance of the Chinese Govt in this regard and that you inform Dept after consultation with Chinese authorities when it will be practicable (sent to Chungking, repeated to Shanghai) to send staffs to Manchurian posts.

  1. O. Edmund Clubb, Consul General at Mukden, formerly at Vladivostok.
  2. Leo D. Sturgeon, Consul General, temporarily at Shanghai.
  3. Augustus S. Chase, Consul at Shanghai.
  4. Richard P. Butrick, Acting Chief of the Division of Foreign Service Administration, on inspection at Shanghai.
  5. Foreign Relations, 1945, vol. vii, p. 1465.
  6. Ibid., p. 1470.