893.241/7–246: Telegram
Mr. William E. Vogelback to Mr. Thomas B. McCabe
3719. Pending the execution of firm contract with China, a policy has been adopted to govern action of Pacific Field Commissioners, which recognizes possible moral obligation to cease disposals earliest possible date on one hand and the damaging effects which would inevitably follow the cessation of selling operations on the other. Sales will continue except that large contracts involving 1 million dollars [Page 1044] or more in realization will be discussed with China with intention of securing waivers. Until July 15th sales will be unconditionally for account of US Government coinciding in date with loading of ships now dockside. Beginning July 16th sales will be earmarked as tentatively for China account but at no time to exceed the last 30 days cumulative sales. This will be used as incentive to speedy agreement and other purposes.