Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram

Colonel Marshall S. Carter 16 to General Marshall, at Chungking



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Dr. Soong has proposed (28530 Shanghai 15 April) that balance of Yuan indebtedness be used to buy cotton, wheat, and other supplies from US and not for surplus property. Reaction here in State and Treasury is not favorable, and it is felt that total authorization now of 300,000,000 US dollars for use of field commissioners in disposing of surplus property to China, with any additional credit requirements to be referred to Washington for consideration, is adequate. How much of this will be charged against Yuan indebtedness has not yet been determined, but understanding will probably be reached which will result in complete offset of CNC debt with balance of 300,000,000 covered by credit terms of 30 years at 2⅜% interest.

  1. Representative of General Marshall in Washington.