Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram

Brigadier General Bernhard A. Johnson to Mr. Thomas B. McCabe

28530. Doctor Soong proposes today that China buy all surpluses on Okinawa, in Japan, and in China, plus fill ins from other Pacific surpluses at price formula to be set later, all applied against the credit referred to in your 83352.

China has already committed approximately $50,000,000 of the CNC debt for surplus property and Soong proposes that the balance of the CNC debt be used by China by [to?] buy cotton, wheat and other supplies from the United States now and not be used for purchase of surplus property.

As soon as General Marshall returns I shall take this subject up with him. In the meantime please get to me as soon as possible Washington’s reaction.

With reference to your 84249, please be assured that all our actions and decisions are cleared and will continue to be cleared with General Marshall prior to consummation.