Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram

General Marshall to the Commander of the Seventh Fleet (Cooke)

1679. I have read the messages brought to me by Admiral Boone75 concerning three recent incidents involving recreation and hunting parties, hunting outside of fully controlled areas, and being attacked by Chinese bandits who are anxious to acquire their equipment and transportation.

It appears inadvisable for me to remonstrate Chou En-lai for these incidents when we are concentrating all efforts on the negotiations which have just been resumed since his return from Shanghai Monday. Your action in taking this up with Executive Headquarters in Peiping, in making appropriate press releases deploring the incidents, and in restricting the freedom of movement of hunting parties appears adequate for the moment. However, I am open to suggestion from you at any time, particularly should you identify the bandits as belonging to a particular Communist organization.

  1. Chief of Staff, 7th Fleet.