893.20 Missions/8–546: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Stuart)

602. 1. Bills providing for military assistance to China and for military missions to foreign Govts56 not passed this session Congress [Page 842] (Urtel 1261, Aug. 5). If draft agreement is to be signed before passage enabling legislation Chinese Govt should be informed that legislation in question has not yet been passed; that President under war powers has authority to detail members of the Group for service China but such authority will cease whenever war powers are terminated; and that in event war powers are terminated and enabling legislation has not been passed this Govt would have forthwith to recall entire personnel of Group as provided under Article 4 (b) and that period 5 years mentioned Article 2 is to be understood as contingent on this situation.

2. Dept understands that Article 23 will be retained in draft agreement.

3. Dept authorizes deletion Article 25.57

4. War and Navy concur.

  1. H. R. 6795 (S. 2337) and H. R. 5433 (S. 1847), respectively.
  2. An aide-mémoire of August 16 informed the Chinese Government that deletion of article 25 as well as article 22 was authorized.