Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram

Colonel Marshall S. Carter to General Marshall

86992. In accordance with your recommendation to the Navy as contained in ComSeventhFleet 1145, of 22 September,82 the United States [Page 807] Government now proposes to complete administrative machinery for the transfer of certain vessels in the Navy program under Public Law 512 to the Chinese Government “On the basis of a gift”. This action will require, as would any other type of transfer, an executive order.

In view of the fact that a substantial portion of the ships are understood to be already in Chinese possession, this proposed executive order would merely establish legal authority for subsequent transfers. Ships already transferred to Chinese Navy under Lend Lease will probably be recaptured and retransferred under Public Law 512 as a gift. Ships already sold as surplus to Maritime Customs will probably remain so sold.

Normally no undue publicity would accrue to such an executive order. In this case the transfers have been taking place for some months and presumably will continue, so the proposed executive order is purely a local bookkeeping transaction.

Have you any objection to this procedure?

  1. Not found in Department files.