Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram
Lieutenant General Alvan C. Gillem, Jr., to Colonel Marshall S. Carter
136. Return of Communist Party personnel of Exec Hqrs. to their own areas was completed with the arrival at Yenan of Gen. Yeh25 [Page 717] and the final contingent of his Peiping personnel at 1130 hours 21 February. A statement to this effect signed by Maj. Gen. Hsueh Tse-cheng, former Chief of Staff CP26 Branch, is on file here, copy will be sent over by mail. Press publicity is being given.
Prior to his departure Yeh made a good-bye call on Gen. Timberman27 and myself. Most of Yeh’s conversation dealt with empty generalities. However certain specific subjects are considered to be of interest.
Without the slightest show of embarrassment over the vitriolic Communist propaganda campaign against Gen. Marshall during the year, Yeh asserted the Comm Party’s respect for his ability, integrity and sincerity in the 1946 mediation activities in China. He stated that had Gen. Marshall’s plans and efforts been given a fair chance his peace mission would have been accomplished.
Yeh characterized the CCP as a responsible political group. He stated that they have been giving serious consideration to various proposals received from sundry minority political groups. At one extreme is a proposal for the CP to set up a separate govt. At the other extreme is a recommendation that the CP relax its terms for further negotiations with the NG.28 So far the CP is adhering to the stand taken at the time [sic] the forthcoming Moscow conference would deal with China’s internal problems. He could not state the basis for his opinion other than the general thesis that China’s internal chaos has a direct bearing on world peace and that proper decisions in Moscow would make solution to China’s problems comparatively simple.
CP authorities at Yenan (Chou En-lai) stated CP would welcome a US liaison officer at Yenan to take over on departure of Exec Hqrs US liaison group. My opinion is that CP desires continued contact through periodic visit of US supply plane.