Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270
Minutes of Meeting Between General Marshall and Mr. Butterworth75 at No. 5 Ning Hai Road, January 6, 1947, 7 p.m.
Also present: | Colonel Caughey76 |
[Here follows discussion of various matters of business.]
General Marshall told Mr. Butterworth that he was quite sure that the Communists would be highly inflamed when they read his forthcoming statement, and their attitude is going to be, no doubt, a strong “To Hell with the United States, and to Hell with the National Government!” General Marshall sought Mr. Butterworth’s views [Page 684] with reference to subsequent procedure as far as the United States was concerned. Mr. Butterworth offered the thought that the United States’ attitude should be a continuation of its relations with the National Government, together with limited assistance.
General Marshall pointed out that he had spoken to Dr. Wang Wen-hao77 and stressed to him the necessity of removing the military clique and reactionaries from the governmental structure. General Marshall added that Dr. T. V. Soong78 is also desirous of removing the military clique and the reactionaries. General Marshall continued by stating that the Generalissimo79 may also be infuriated, when he reads the statement, to a point that he may be moved toward the necessary governmental reorganization.