Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270
Notes of Meeting Between General Marshall and General C. P. Lee at No. 5 Ning Hai Road, Nanking, November 2, 1946, 11:15 a.m.
Also present: | Captain Soong |
General Lee stated that he had a long talk with Mister Mo Teh Hui after they left General Marshall yesterday noon. He stated that Mister Mo’s observation regarding the Communist Party’s anxiety and sincerity in wanting peace was confirmed by the conversation General Lee had with Mister Tung Pi Wu38 last evening. General Lee said that it seemed to him Mister Tung is still anxious to talk about peace and that it also seemed that the Communist Party possesses a strong inferiority complex.
General Lee then suggested that an informal tea party be sponsored by Doctor Stuart and General Marshall in which one member each from the Kuomintang, the Communist Party, and the Third Party be invited to attend. In this party, the issues of cease fire and the reorganization of the government would be discussed. General Lee further stated that the Communist Party seemed to be receptive to this idea. He asked General Marshall to discuss this idea with the Generalissimo.
General Marshall stated that it would not be wise at the present time for the Americans to take the leading position in the current negotiations away from the Third Party. However, General Marshall said he would discuss this matter with Doctor Stuart. General Marshall explained that it is easy to settle the details of the cease fire implementation. However great complications would arise in discussions regarding the reorganization of the armies.
General Lee then said it would be meaningless to convene the National Assembly under the existing conditions because the main subject for discussion in the Assembly is the Constitution. Since the Constitution has not been agreed upon by all parties, the National Assembly could not function. General Lee then suggested that Mister Mo and two or three other Third Party members hold frequent conversations with General Chou En Lai, the Generalissimo and Doctor Stuart. If an agreement should be reached, then formal meetings could be resumed. If Doctor T. V. Soong were to vacate his post as the President of the Executive Yuan, General Lee wondered whether the Government would utilize this chance to reorganize the Executive Yuan.
General Marshall said that he has been seeking an immediate compromise by way of initiating the reorganization of the Executive [Page 465] Yuan. He further stated that the common feeling among the Chinese political leaders was that in order to participate in the Government one must be in the Cabinet. This feeling is in error. He then illustrated with reference to the approaching election in the United States by pointing out to General Lee that the party that controls the House of Representatives would dominate important activities of the Government, even though the President, the Cabinet, and the Senate all belong to the other party.
General Lee then said that the way to have real peace is for the Government to carry out all PCC resolutions, and then the Communist Party would hand in its list of delegates and would be willing to participate in the National Assembly. The Communist Party felt that this was the minimum amount of democracy which the Government must allow. General Lee further stated that it is commonly felt that the Generalissimo is indispensable at the present time and that efforts would be made by all parties to settle the issues in accordance with his desires.
General Lee said that if an agreement could be reached, the propaganda war on both sides would cease immediately.
- Member of the Chinese Communist Party delegation.↩