Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270

General Chou En-lai to Colonel J. Hart Caughey

Dear Colonel Caughey: May I request your kindness to forward the following message to General Marshall? The message reads:

Learned from yesterday’s and today’s newspapers that certain elements like Chen Li-fu and Tseng Chi59 are brewing a forthcoming [Page 51] meeting of various quarters in Kuling discuss in place PCC or its Steering Committee such matters as Government reorganization, National Assembly and draft constitution revision. Perhaps it may even engage itself in anti-Communist tirades serving as declaration of Communist-suppression campaign. Such procedure would constitute complete destruction of PCC and its resolutions. Must voice strong opposition to calling such discussion-meeting and look upon it as Government determination to force national split. Feel obliged to draw your serious attention to this matter.

Your assistance will be appreciated.

[Signature in Chinese]
Chou En Lai
  1. Member of the Young China Party.