867N.6363/3–2146: Telegram
The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Gallman) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 21—7:40 a.m.]
3229. Following is essential portion of text of letter dated March 20 received by Embassy from FonOff setting forth British Government’s position in respect of negotiation of Transjordan pipeline:
“The position as we see it is that after detailed and prolonged discussions with the company’s representative, the High Commissioner for Transjordan11 has transmitted to the Transjordan Government the draft of a convention setting out the conditions which are to govern the construction and eventual operation of the pipeline.
“It is our view that the convention should be signed on behalf of Transjordan by the Transjordan Government and not by His Majesty’s Government. We consider that this would have been the correct procedure even if Transjordan were not on the point of becoming an independent state and it was in fact the procedure followed in the case of the Iraq Petroleum Company’s pipeline convention with Transjordan. As the Transjordan Government are to be signatories of the convention, it is clear that their wishes must be given the fullest consideration and we therefore consider that the next step is for the company to approach the Transjordan Government direct with the object of negotiating with them any points which may still be in doubt. This, however, should not be taken to mean that we are no longer interested in the negotiations. We are interested both on our own account because we wish to see the negotiations brought to an early and successful conclusion and because we consider that we are still bound in respect of Transjordan by the Anglo-American Convention of 1924 whereby the rights and benefits secured under the terms of the mandate to members of the League of Nations and their nationals are extended to include the United States Government and its nationals. These rights and benefits include, of course, the right to no discrimination mentioned in article 18 of the mandate. We are informing the Transjordan Government of our views, and we are recommending the matter to their favorable attention.”
Lenahan has been informed. Suggest Department advise Aramco.
- Alec S. Kirkbride.↩