867N. 01/8–246: Telegram

The Chargé in Egypt (Lyon) to the Secretary of State


1308. Azzam Pasha has expressed to Ireland31 unalterable opposition of League and Arab states to federal solution and partition for Palestine. He categorically denied statement in press attributed to League spokesman London that League did not oppose federalism.

Azzam Pasha characterized federal scheme as form of partition, as impractical and as foreshadowing Jewish state. Immigration into Jewish provinces as proposed could lead only to over-population there and further Zionist insistence on territorial aggrandisement. Both federal scheme and partition would destroy prospects of independent Palestine within Arab League. Arabs would oppose either scheme by every means possible. Suggested grant to Arabs for development purposes was labeled as Jewish American attempt to buy Arab acquiescence in American schemes for Palestine which Arabs would reject even if sum offered were thousand times figure mentioned in press. He was unusually bitter, possibly due to strain of Ramadan fasting, toward American policy and declared any proposals now supported by America would be regarded by Arabs as designed to placate American Jewish opinion.

Arab states, with possible exception Iraq, accepting British invitation to London conference on Palestine. They consider invitation is answer to Arab note to Britain drafted at Bludan. According to Azzam Pasha, Arabs maintain 1939 view and will reply that they cannot sit down in conference if Jews are present.32 Kamel Bey, Under Secretary FonAff informed me however Egypt’s note of acceptance contained no conditions. Local representatives Arab states met Thursday to consider procedure and delegates to London conference. [Page 677] Iraq has requested special session League to consider Palestine but no meeting planned before regular session Beirut October, although Arab FonMins probably convene here early September.

Repeated London 70; copies to Arab capitals.

  1. Philip W. Ireland, Attaché at the American Embassy in Egypt.
  2. Telegram 7246, August 3, 5 p.m., from London, reported advice from a Foreign Office spokesman that the British would have to conduct two conferences simultaneously because of the refusal of the Arabs to sit at the same table with the Jews (867N.01/8–346).