868.00/1–1546: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Greece (MacVeagh)
49. Brit desire for Three Power approach urging Greek Govt to make public statement concerning method of election and reiteration March 31 firm date has been transmitted to Dept. Dept has replied to Brit Emb that it perceives no objection to such approach if clearly understood that Allies are expressing no preference on election system whether proportional or majority but that advanced stage of preparation plan makes it seem advisable for some firm statement of Greek Govts intention to be made available to Greek public. Such statement would of course include reiteration that elections would be held March 31. You are authorized to concert with your Brit and French colleagues in making such an approach to Greek Govt.
Sent Athens as no. 49; repeated Paris as no. 219 and London as no. 454.