
Memorandum by the Acting State Department Member of the State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee (Matthews) to the Secretary of the Committee (Moseley)

The British Government has proposed, in connection with the report of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, that experts of the British and American Governments should meet as soon as possible to discuss certain implications arising out of the Committee’s [Page 623] recommendations. A list of the topics on which the British Government desires the views of this Government is attached65 (Appendix A) and it will be observed that several of these questions are of particular interest to the War and Navy Departments and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This is particularly true in the case of the points raised with respect to Committee recommendations numbers 4 and 10 as well as certain general questions raised by the British regarding the report as a whole (see page 3 of Appendix A). Copies of the Committee’s report have already been furnished the Secretariat.

In order that representatives of this Government may be prepared to discuss fully the various issues with the British experts, it is requested that the views of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the War and Navy Departments be obtained with respect to the particular items referred to above as well as any other issues arising from the report.

As the possibility of this Government’s sharing with the British Government in a future trusteeship for Palestine under the United Nations has been mentioned in various quarters and may be formally proposed by the British Government, it would also be appreciated if the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the War and Navy Departments would indicate their views as to whether from a long range standpoint, having regard to this country’s national interests, to our position in the United Nations, and to our interest in the security of the Middle East as of other areas it would be advantageous for this Government to undertake a joint trusteeship with Great Britain for Palestine.

It is further requested this inquiry be treated as a matter of high priority in view of the proposal of the British Government that discussions regarding this entire question begin not later than June 13.

H. Freeman Matthews
  1. See undated telegram from the British Prime Minister to President Truman, p. 612.