701.90G41/9–2646: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Iraq (Moose)


370. Brit Embassy has informed Dept3 an exchange notes between Brit and Iraqi Govts has been completed4 providing for appointment Iraqi Ambassador to London and waiving perpetual precedence Brit Ambassador Baghdad. Notes will be published Sept 27.

  1. In note of September 26, not printed.
  2. The exchange of notes took place at Baghdad on August 2, 1946; for text, see British Cmd. 6918, Iraq No. 3 (1946). Airgram A–157, May 13, 1946, from Baghdad, informed the Department that by the end of April 1946, the British had removed from Iraq all their Political Advisers “(not to be confused with British Advisers to Ministries of Iraqi Government)”, a few remaining in civilian capacities (741.90G/5–1346).