861.24591/3–846: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in the Soviet Union (Kennan)

top secret
us urgent   niact

425. For Kennan. Please deliver following message to the People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs:7

“The Govt of the US has the honor to inform the Govt of the Soviet Union that it is receiving reports to the effect that there are considerable movements of Soviet combat forces and materials of war from the direction of the Soviet frontier towards Tabriz and outward from Tabriz in the direction of Tehran, Mahabad and various points in Northwestern Iran.

The Govt of the US desires to learn whether the Soviet Govt, instead of withdrawing Soviet troops from Iran as urged in the Embassy’s note of Mar 6, is bringing additional forces into Iran. In case Soviet forces in Iran are being increased, this Govt would welcome information at once regarding the purposes therefor.”

Sent to Moscow, repeated to London and Tehran, Ankara and Baghdad.8

  1. Message delivered to the Foreign Office on March 9.
  2. As telegrams 2117, 187, 201, and 103, respectively.