868.00/10–1046: Telegram

The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Durbrow) to the Secretary of State

3802. Trud October 6 major article by M. Lazarov, “Greece after ‘plebiscite’”, cites alarm caused among Greek reactionaries and their “Anglo American trustees” by outbreak Partisan fighting in North in response to Monarchist punitive expeditions against National Liberation Movement. Greek Govt circles are circulating provocative rumors that Albanians, Yugoslavs and Bulgars are allegedly participating in struggle on Partisans side. These rumors have secret aim of justifying inability of Greek Monarchists to deal with National Liberation Movement so as to secure intervention by British troops “on wider scale” in Partisan struggle. British papers have no doubt such British assistance will be given.

American diplomacy, article emphasizes, fully supports British policy in Greece. According to AP, Byrnes and Bevin agreed in Paris to remain “absolutely firm in regard to Greece”. Anglo-American stand, article concludes, signifies further support by Britain and United States of Fascist Monarchist regime, further coercion of Greek people and kindling of civil war, and continuation of policy to transform Greece into springboard for British and American imperialist forces in Eastern Mediterranean.

Pouched London and Paris. Repeated AmEmb Athens 33.
