740.00119 Council/8–146
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Mexico (Thurston)
840. There are given below summaries of telegrams nos. 765 and 783 from American Delegation in Paris.10 Latter telegram is in reply to Department’s telegram submitting to Secretary your comments on desirability our championing rights smaller nations and desirable effect which such action would have in Latin America,11 and you may, in your discretion, carry out suggestion contained in last paragraph of telegram 783 from the Secretary.
(Begin 765) Acting on representations from Mexican Ambassador I offered sponsor at opportune moment motion which would permit Mexican Government present its views to Peace Conference on draft Italian treaty. Mexican Counselor of Embassy stated last night specific proposals have been received from Mexican Government regarding Italian terms. He added that Mexican Government is very anxious for question of Mexican participation to be settled soon. He was informed that until conference has approved rules of procedure the timing and manner of making motions could not be determined in message. (End 765)
(Begin 783). It is doubtful that enlarging participation of the Peace Conference to modify Moscow Agreement would meet with success. Statement “that arrangements concluded at Moscow must of necessity be binding on United States under the circumstances” made in my instruction 8496 of March 23, 1946, to Mexico City12 still applies. Although I have replied favorably to approach from Mexican Ambassador here to support a proper Mexican request that its views be heard, [Page 828] it does not appear that Mexican Government has taken advantage of opportunity “to consult with United States Government on terms of peace treaty with Italy”. In your discretion instruct Thurston to speak with Mexican Foreign Minister in above sense and to repeat it must be appreciated that realities of situation would prevent any change in terms of reference for participation although I should have desired to have it otherwise and should have welcomed participation of all United Nations which had declared war on one of the countries for which treaties are being prepared. (End 783)