CFM Files
Press Release Issued by the United States Delegation
August 4, 1946.
List of Subjects Unagreed in Council of Foreign Ministers
A. Italian Treaty
- 1.
- Delimitation of Frontiers of Italy, Yugoslavia and Free Territory of Trieste (agreement in principle reached on French Line for Italo-Yugoslav frontier and French line bounded on north by a line drawn from Duino for Free Territory of Trieste.) Articles 3, 4, and 16.
- 2.
- Boundary Commission. U.S. proposal for demarcation of Free Territory of Trieste. Article 5.
- 3.
- Civic Rights in Ceded Territories. U.S. proposal to extend to successor state obligations relating to human rights. Article 13.
- 4.
- Statute of Trieste. Trieste regime. Renunciation of Italian sovereignty and guarantees for Free Territory of Trieste. Article 15 and Annex 9.
- 5.
- Distribution of Surplus Units of Italian Fleet. Agreement on this point to be reached between USSR, UK, USA, and France.
- 6.
- Reparation—for states other than the USSR. Article 64 (Claims of other powers to be considered at Peace Conference.)
- 7.
- United Nations Property in Italy (question of compensation whether in whole or in part). Article 68. Equitable allocation of raw materials and foreign exchange.
- Note: This same provision appears in Rumanian, Bulgarian, and Hungarian treaties.
- 8.
- Italian Property in the territory of Allied and Associated Powers. Exemption relating to property in ceded territories and Free Territory of Trieste. Article 69.
- 9.
- General Economic Relations. Article 71.
- a.
- Provision relating to state enterprises and limitation of exemption of most-favored-nation clause to monopolies.
- b.
- Equality of opportunity in securing international commercial and aviation facilities.
- Note: These same provisions are unagreed in the Rumanian, Hungarian, and Bulgarian treaties.
- 10.
- Settlement of Disputes. Article 72.
- Note: These same provisions are unagreed in the Rumanian, Hungarian, and Bulgarian treaties.
- 11.
- Interpretation of Treaties. Article 76 (jurisdiction of International Court of Justice).
- Note: These same provisions are unagreed in the Rumanian, Hungarian, and Bulgarian treaties.
- 12.
- Economic and Financial Provisions Relating to Ceded Territories.
- a.
- Exemption from public debt.
- b.
- Exemption from provisions relating to Italian property in territory of Allied and Associated Powers.
- 13.
- Transfer of Head Offices (Siege Social). Annex 3.
- 14.
- Special Provisions Relating to Certain Kinds of Property. Annex 6.
- a.
- Provision to ensure that Italy obtains no greater rights than any of the other of the United Nations which regards treatment of industrial, literary, and artistic property.
- b.
- UK proposal relating to insurance. Similar proposal in Rumanian, Bulgarian, and Hungarian treaties.
- 15.
- Contracts, Prescriptions and Negotiable Instruments. Annex 7. UK proposals (similar proposals have been made by UK for Hungarian, Bulgarian, and Rumanian treaties).
- 16.
- Judgments. Three proposals presented:
- (1)
- by US and USSR,
- (2)
- by UK, and
- (3)
- by France.
Similar provisions exist in Hungarian, Bulgarian, and Rumanian treaties.
B. Rumanian Treaty
See Italian Treaty for unagreed provisions common to all.
- 1.
- Rumanian Property in Germany. Article 27. A similar situation exists with respect to the Bulgarian and Hungarian treaties.
- 2.
- General Economic Relations. In addition to unagreed provisions similar to those contained in Italian Treaty there has been no agreement upon USSR proposal to exempt from the most-favored-nation treatment relations with neighboring countries.
- Note: Unagreed USSR proposal appears also in Bulgarian and Hungarian treaties.
- 3.
- Clauses Relating to Danube. UK and US Proposal.
- Note: The same proposals appear in Bulgarian and Hungarian Treaties.
- 4.
- Special Provisions Relating to Certain Kinds of Property. Annex 4. UK proposals relating to shipping and petroleum have not been agreed for Rumanian Treaty.
C. Bulgarian Treaty
See Italian Treaty for unagreed provisions common to all.
- 1.
- Agreement upon the frontiers of Bulgaria existing on January 1, 1941, is tentative with respect to Greek-Bulgarian frontier until Greece and Bulgaria have been heard by the Peace Conference. Article 1.
- 2.
- Reparations. Article 20. The CFM decided to postpone consideration of the Article on Reparations until the matter could be discussed with Yugoslavia and Greece.
- 3.
- Bulgarian Property in Territory of the Allied and Associated Powers. Article 24. US, UK, and French proposal to include in Bulgarian Treaty Articles similar to those contained in Italian and Rumanian treaties has not been agreed (the same situation exists with respect to the Hungarian Treaty).
- 4.
- US has reserved rights to propose Article relating to War Graves.
D. Hungarian Treaty
See Italian Treaty for unagreed provisions common to all.
- 1.
- Frontiers of Hungary and Czechoslovakia are tentative until both Governments have presented their views to the Peace Conference. Article 1.
- 2.
- Reparation. Article 21. The US reservation relating to payment by Hungary of reparations is before the Conference although the full text is not contained in the printed text for the Hungarian Treaty. This was omitted with the understanding that the US reserved the right to make any explanation of its omission.