Interallied Control Commission
In the absence of military supervision there would be no guarantee that the clauses of the present Treaty concerning land, sea and air armaments would be enforced.
Consequently, the Greek Delegation proposes to add to the Treaty the following four Articles under the heading:
Article (New)
“An Inter-Allied Military Control Commission, consisting of representatives of the U.S.S.R., the United Kingdom, the United States of America, France, Greece and Yugoslavia respectively, will ensure the enforcement and conscientious execution of the clauses of the present Treaty concerning land, sea and air armaments, fortifications and the disposal of surplus war material.
“The above Commission will represent the Allied Nations vis-à-vis the Italian Government in all matters concerning the execution of the military, naval and air clauses of the present Treaty. It will notify the Italian authorities of any decisions which the Allied and Associated Powers may eventually decide to take or which the execution of the said clauses may call for.”
Article (New)
“The Inter-Allied Military Commission will have its headquarters in Rome and will have the right to send subcommissions or one or more of its members to a given point of Italian territory as often as it thinks advisable.”
Article (New)
“Italy undertakes to afford the Inter-Allied Military Control Commission all facilities for its installation, operation and the free movement [Page 707] of its members in the discharge of their duties. The maintenance and travelling expenses of this Commission will be borne by Italy.”
Article (New)
“The Italian Government shall supply the Inter-Allied Military Control Commission with any information and with the legislative, administrative and other documents which the Commission deems essential for the performance of its mission.”