IO Files: USGA/Ia/13

United States Delegation Working Paper

top secret

U.S. List of Candidates for General Assembly Committees59

Committee 1: Chairman — Ukraine (Manuilsky)
Vice-Chairman — Luxembourg (Bech)
Rapporteur — Ecuador (Viteri Lafronte)
Committee 2: Chairman — Poland (Konderski)
Vice-Chairman — Philippines (Lopez)
Rapporteur — Bolivia (Salamanca)
Committee 3: Chairman — New Zealand (Fraser)
Vice-Chairman — Costa Rica (Soto Harrison)
Rapporteur — Norway (Frieda Dalen)
Committee 4: Chairman — Uruguay (McEachen)
Vice-Chairman — Turkey
Rapporteur — Czechoslovakia (Kerno)
Committee 5: Chairman — Syria (Faris al Khoury)
Vice-Chairman — Yugoslavia (Bebler)
Rapporteur — Greece (Aghnides)
Committee 6: Chairman — Panama (Jimenez)
Vice-Chairman — Denmark (Federspiel)
Rapporteur — Canada (Read)
  1. Mr. Joseph Bech, Luxembourg Minister for Foreign Affairs; Representative on the Luxembourg Delegation.

    Dr. Homero Viteri Lafronte, former Ecuadoran Minister for Foreign Affairs and Representative on the Ecuadoran Delegation.

    Mr. Waclaw Konderski, Alternate Delegate on the Polish Delegation.

    Mr. Pedro Lopez, Acting Head of the Philippines Delegation.

    Mr. Carlos Salamanca, Head of the Bolivian Delegation.

    Mr. Fernando Soto Harrison, Costa Rican Delegate.

    Mrs. Frieda Dalen, Alternate Delegate on the Norwegian Delegation.

    Dr. Ivan Kerno, Alternate Delegate on the Czechoslovak Delegation.

    Mr. Faris al-Khoury, Delegate on the Syrian Delegation.

    Dr. Ales Bebler, Yugoslav Alternate Delegate.

    Mr. Thanassis Aghnides, Greek Ambassador to the United Kingdom and Delegate on the Greek Delegation.

    Dr. Roberto Jiminez, former Minister of State for Foreign Affairs; Delegate on the Panamanian Delegation.

    Mr. Per Federspiel, Delegate on the Danish Delegation.

    Mr. J. E. Read, Alternate Delegate on the Canadian Delegation.