Department of State National Advisory Council Files

Memorandum Prepared by the Staff Committee of the National Advisory Council for the Council


In connection with NAC Document No. 58,37 the Staff Committee recommends consideration of the following alternative lists of probable loan requirements for the Export-Import Bank during calendar 1946. Alternative “A” is presented on the assumption that the Council may consider it inadvisable to recommend any increase of the Export-Import Bank’s lending power.

Alternative “B”, incorporating recommendations of the State Department, is presented on the assumption that the Council may find it advisable to recommend a $1.5 billion increase in the Export-Import [Page 1420] Bank’s lending power, which would include provision for a $1 billion loan to the U.S.S.R.

Alternative “A” Alternative “B”
(in millions of dollars)
Belgium 50 50
Czechoslovakia 75 100
Denmark 30 30
Finland 65 65
France 500 500
Greece 50 75
Italy 100 100
Netherlands 100 100
Norway 50 50
Poland 50 100
U.S.S.R. 1,000
Yugoslavia 50 75
Middle East
Turkey 25 25
Saudi Arabia 25 25
Far East and India
China 300 500
Netherlands East Indies 100 100
Philippine Islands 50
India 50 50
Latin America 150 200
Other Countries and Other Programs 300 400
Total 2,070 3,595
  1. NAC Document 58 is an early draft of the loan statement and is not printed.