800.6363/9–946: Telegram

The Chargé in the United Kingdom ( Gallman ) to the Secretary of State


8041. Memo10 attached to Department’s instruction 196, July 3, regarding Anglo-American oil agreement forwarded Foreign Office July 17. Foreign Office acknowledges sympathetically and states His Majesty’s Government are in full agreement that the interval should be utilized to develop plans for future implementation of the agreement and they invite US to send representatives to London latter half September “to discuss matters connected with the future operation of the agreement”.

Opinion expressed that “it would be desirable for the proposed discussions to take account of other oil questions which would be appropriate for consideration on the agenda of the first meeting of any Anglo-American oil commission which may be set up in accordance with article 4 of the agreement”.11

Full text by airmail.

  1. Supra.
  2. Arrangements for the informal talks were worked out between the two governments during subsequent weeks, and a November meeting date was decided upon. The talks were to be on the official level and on an ad referendum basis. The principal representatives of the United States designated on the United States side were the Petroleum Adviser of the Department (Rayner) and the Chief of the Petroleum Division (Loftus).