501.BD/2–1946: Telegram

The Acting United States Representative at the United Nations (Stevenson) to the Secretary of State

2076. Delun 360. At public portion of ECOSOC meeting on Monday afternoon action was taken as described below:

Report of drafting subcommittee on Trade Conference resolution (E/22) was adopted without discussion. This is revision of latter part of original US proposal (E/4) and contains formula concerning agenda as follows: “ECOSOC suggests as a basis of discussion for the Preparatory Committee that the agenda include the following topics”. Agenda topics thus suggested are same as those in earlier paper. It also contains extra paragraph as follows:

ECOSOC requests the Preparatory Committee when considering the foregoing items to take into account the special conditions which prevail in countries whose manufacturing industry is still in its initial stages of development and the questions that arise in connection with commodities which are subject to special problems of adjustment in international markets”. It furthermore gives names of members of Preparatory Committee which are same as countries listed in earlier paper. To these were added names of Chile, Norway and Lebanon. First two had been suggested by US and when Lebanon, Yugoslavia and Greece all sought seats either by addition to existing list or by substitution, Chairman’s suggestion that Lebanon should also be added was accepted by Council.42

[Here follows discussion of other ECOSOC matters.]

  1. For the final text of the resolution as adopted by ECOSOC on February 18, see ESC (I), p. 173.