501.BB/1–2246: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State 31
us urgent
[Received January 23—2:57 a.m.]
798. This is Delun 117. Re Delun 118 following. The draft resolution is submitted for Dept’s approval or comment. It will at once be discussed with the British and we will cable promptly any reactions or suggestions by them. It is still not certain what deadline will be imposed on the introduction of draft into ECOSOC hence it is most imperative that we have Dept’s reactions immediately. It will be observed that recital of considerations is practically a direct quotation of Section A of our “Proposals.” It does not seem wise to suggest that ECOSOC merely send observers to preparatory group. We have therefore proposed that ECOSOC should constitute nuclear group as Preparatory Committee with the addition of two members and a representative of the Secretariat designated by the Council. These persons presumably would not participate in the tariff negotiations but only in the consideration of agenda for Conference.
- Secretary Byrnes was in London from January 8 to January 25 during which time he served as Head of the United States Delegation to the General Assembly.↩