Department of State Atomic Energy Files
The Commanding General, Manhattan Engineer District (Groves), to the Secretary of State 39
My Dear Mr. Chairman: At their last meeting on March 29, 1946, the members of the Combined Development Trust discussed the possibility [Page 1224] of being called upon to disclose information, reports, and other data on world resources of uranium and thorium to the United States, United Kingdom and Canadian delegates to the UNO Atomic Energy Commission.
In view of the Top Secret classification which has been applied to all activities and even the existence of the Combined Development Trust, we believe that the disclosure of raw materials information, if it becomes necessary, should be made through the medium of other agencies rather than directly by the Combined Development Trust.
It is requested that the Combined Policy Committee consider this matter and that the Trust be advised as to the policy adopted.
Respectfully submitted,
- General Groves was Chairman of the Combined Development Trust; Secretary Byrnes was Chairman of the Combined Policy Committee.↩