
The Assistant Secretary for American Republic Affairs (Braden) to the Chief of the Military Intelligence Service, War Department (Peabody)


My Dear General Peabody: I am writing in reference to your secret memorandum of February 1, 194633 enclosing a memorandum [Page 1217] from the Military Attaché at Buenos Aires recommending that the subject of inter-American control of uranium and other radioactive materials be considered as a matter for the agenda of the approaching Rio conference.34

While recognizing the value of this recommendation, it seems clear that it would be premature to place this subject on the agenda of the Rio conference.

Any consideration of inter-American control of uranium and other radioactive materials must wait on the formulation of United States policy with regard to domestic controls and wider international controls. It seems highly unlikely that domestic legislation will have been passed by the Congress by the time the Rio conference convenes. Furthermore, our policy with regard to inter-American control of radioactive materials must be considered in the light of the recommendations of the Commission for the Control of Atomic Energy recently established by the General Assembly.

I want to take this opportunity to express appreciation that this important matter was brought to the attention of the Department of State and to assure you that it is receiving careful study.

Sincerely yours,

Spruille Braden
  1. Not printed.
  2. The Rio De Janeiro Conference for the Maintenance of Continental Peace and Security was held from August 15 to September 2, 1947.