Editorial Note

Memoirs: Sixty Years on the Firing Line (New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1968), by Arthur Krock, Washington correspondent of the New York Times, 1932–1953, contains as Appendix A a report titled “American Relations with the Soviet Union,” 62 pages, prepared by Clark M. Clifford, Special Counsel to President Truman. Chapter headings are as follows: Soviet Foreign Policy; Soviet-American Agreements, 1942–1946; Violations of Soviet Agreements with the United States; Conflicting Views on Reparations; Soviet Activities Affecting American Security; and United States Policy Toward the Soviet Union.

Clifford’s letter of transmittal to President Truman states that in [Page 1183] the course of drafting the memorandum, he consulted the Secretaries of State, War and Navy, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and others, assembling and summarizing their statements, studies, and opinions. Krock indicates that the report was laid on the desk of the President on September 24, 1946 (Memoirs, p. 223). No copy of the report has been found in the files of the Department of State.