
Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Acheson) to President Truman

I am forwarding herewith, for your information, the translation of a note from the Soviet Embassy dated December 7, 1946. The Soviet Government expresses the view in this note that the question of trusteeship over the islands formerly under Japanese mandate, as well as over any Japanese islands, must be considered by the Allied Powers in the peace settlement in regard to Japan.

Dean Acheson

The Chargé of the Soviet Union (Orekhov) to the Acting Secretary of State

Sir: With reference to your note of November 6 last, in which it was communicated that the United States of America is ready to place under trusteeship the islands which are under Japanese mandate and for which the United States will be the administering authority, I have the honor to inform you of the following:

The Soviet Government considers it necessary to study the given question and the “Draft Trusteeship Agreement for the Japanese Mandated Islands” which was presented by the Government of the United States of America.

The Soviet Government is prepared to take into account the interests of the United States of America in connection with this question, but at the same time it considers it necessary to express its view that the question of trusteeship over the islands formerly under Japanese mandate, as well as over any Japanese islands, must be considered by the Allied Powers in the peace settlement in regard to Japan.

Accept, Sir, the assurance of my very high esteem for you.

F. Orekhov