Memorandum of Record, by the Assistant Chief of the Division of British Commonwealth Affairs (Richards)
At Mr. Hickerson’s suggestion I talked to Mr. Reid, First Secretary of the New Zealand Legation, regarding the revised wording of Article X(4) of the new draft trusteeship agreement for Western Samoa.
I informed Mr. Reid that we would go along with the revised wording, and that we would recommend that the Army and the Navy agree, on the understanding that no change in the New Zealand point of view existed and that the New Zealand Government continued to be prepared to enter into discussions with the US, as soon as the trusteeship agreement was approved by the General Assembly, looking toward a bilateral agreement for the joint use of bases in Western Samoa.
Mr. Reid stated that he was sure that there had been no change in this regard, but he would telegraph to Wellington at once for confirmation and would inform me immediately upon the receipt of a reply.