IO Files: US/A/104

Organization and Procedures of the Delegation of the United States to the Second Part of the First Session of the General Assembly 63

[This document is made up of four parts, described respectively as “A”, “B”, “C”, and “D”. For the substance of Part A, which detailed the composition of the delegation, see the official listing of the delegation, which is printed supra. In Part B, entitled “Organization”, which follows, Section 1 is omitted.]

2. The Senior Advisers will assume such responsibilities as are assigned them by the Chairman of the Delegation.

3. The Principal Executive Officer, Mr. Sandifer, will be responsible for the coordination of the work of the Executive and Political Officers on all substantive matters, which shall include: (a) preparing the agenda for meetings of the United States Delegation and seeing that appropriate documentation is provided; (b) presenting to the Delegation at the morning Delegation meetings, in cooperation with the Delegates, Executive Officers and Political Officers concerned, matters requiring consideration by the Delegation; (c) keeping all officers of the Delegation informed of decisions taken by the Delegation; (d) seeing that decisions of the Delegation on substantive questions are carried out; (e) initialling telegrams to the Department as outlined in Annex 3 (attached).64

4. The Secretary-General, Mr. Winslow, together with the Deputy Secretary-General, Mr. Power, will be responsible for the administrative services for the Delegation, including all matters relating to: (a) hotel and office accommodations; (b) stenographic and secretarial assistance; (c) supplies; (d) telephones; (e) transportation; (f) financial arrangements; (g) travel authorization; (h) telegraphic and courier communications with the Department; (i) handling of correspondence; (j) document services and preparation; (k) messenger service; (l) order of the day; (m) passes and tickets; and (n) security precautions.

The Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General will be responsible for coordinating the work of the Reporting Officers and transmitting to the Department plain and secret summaries and telegrams in accordance with the procedure outlined in Annex 3 (attached).

The Secretary-General will be responsible for seeing that decisions of the Delegation on administrative questions are carried out, and that administrative action required to implement decisions on substantive matters is taken.

[Page 41]

5. The Political Officers 65 shall have responsibility for: (a) developing through contact with members of other delegations within their particular area information for the use of the United States Delegation; (b) advising the Delegation on political questions affecting their particular area; (c) cooperating with the Delegates and other advisers in negotiations on questions before the plenary session and committees of the Assembly; (d) keeping the Executive Officers informed on developments on questions within the field of the committee to which they are assigned.

6. The Executive Officer 66 of each committee shall perform such work in connection with the committee as may be directed by the Delegates assigned to that committee. In particular he shall have responsibility for (a) accompanying the Delegates to meetings of the committee and, as requested by them, sitting on the committee or on sub-committees; (b) assisting the Delegates in the preparation of documentation relating to the work of the committee including the drafting of statements and resolutions; (c) informing Mr. Sandifer, after consultation with the Delegates concerned, of matters requiring consideration by the Delegation at its morning meeting and preparing the materials required for the consideration of the matter; (d) cooperating with the Delegates and other advisers in negotiations on questions before the plenary session and committees of the Assembly; (e) keeping in touch with the reporting staff and supplementing the daily summary reports to the Department by reports of problems requiring the special attention of the Department or new instructions from the Department; (f) after consultation with the Delegates concerned, convening group meetings of Delegates and Advisers assigned to the committee.

7. The Assistant Executive Officer for each committee shall assist the Executive Officer in carrying out his responsibilities as indicated above. In addition, he shall: (a) assist the reporting group as necessary by preparing summary records of sub-committee meetings for use in the daily summary reports to the Department; and (b) prepare a report on the field of work covered by the committee to which he is assigned [Page 42] as a basis for the Delegation Report on the work of the General Assembly.

8. The Director of Information, Press and Public Liaison Officers shall report to the Chairman of the Delegation on developments within their fields of responsibility, and shall keep the Principal Executive Officer and Secretary-General fully informed by daily written reports of all matters of general concern to the Delegation.

9. The Assistants shall perform such duties as may be given them by the Chairman of the Delegation and the persons to whom they are assigned.

C. Participation in Committees

Delegates and Advisers will serve on the committees of the Assembly in accordance with the assignments set forth in Annex 2.

D. Delegation and Group Meetings

A regular meeting of the Delegation will be held in Parlor No. 1, Mezzanine floor at the Pennsylvania Hotel daily, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.67
Special meetings will be held by arrangement.
The following shall regularly attend the daily Delegation meetings: Delegates and Alternate Delegates; Mr. Fahy, Mr. Ross and Mr. Sandifer. In addition, others will be invited to attend as seems appropriate.
Group meetings of Delegates and Advisers assigned to a particular committee shall be held as necessary and shall be arranged by the Executive Officer of each committee in consultation with the Principal Delegate serving on the committee.
General meetings will be called of all Political and Executive Officers as necessary.

  1. See footnote 62, p. 37.
  2. Not printed.
  3. In section 1 the following were listed as Political Officers: Messrs. Allen, Allison, Bohlen, Carlos Hall, Harrison, McClintock, Popper, Raynor, Villard, Wells and Yost; also Ambassador William Dawson and Minister George Wadsworth. In still another paper these officers were classified as to area of expertness, substantially as follows: American Republics (Dawson, Allen, Wells, and Carlos Hall); Europe (Raynor, Yost, and Harrison); Far East (Allison); Near East and Africa (Wadsworth and Villard).
  4. Section 1 listed the Executive Officers as Messrs. Fowler, Gerig, William P. Hall, Hendrick, Maktos, Sanders, Sandifer, Stinebower, and Stokes. The Assistant Executive Officers were named as the Misses Armstrong and Fosdick and Messrs. Burnett, Cleveland, DePalma, Marcy, and Taylor. The committee assignments of these persons were: General Committee (Sandifer, Fosdick); First Committee (Sanders, Taylor); Second Committee (Fowler, Cleveland); Third Committee (Hendrick, Burnett); Fourth Committee (Gerig, Armstrong); Fifth Committee (William Hall, DePalma); Sixth Committee (Maktos, Marcy); Permanent Headquarters Committee (Stokes, Marcy).
  5. Extracts from the minutes of the first Delegation meeting, held on the morning of October 17, are printed infra; in this document are listed the Committee assignments of the Representatives and Alternate Representatives themselves.