501.BB Summaries/11–1446: Telegram

Senator Austin to the Secretary of State


[via Courier]

806. GA Secret Summary

[Here follows discussion of several items.]

Chinese Attitude on Contributions Scale

The opinion that Committee V might accept a 39 per cent contribution from the U. S. was expressed to USdel on November 14 by Hsia (China). This would have to be done in subcommittee by specific increases in contributions of several of the larger and middle powers. China would be prepared to increase its contribution at least 2 per cent in order to partially meet the U. S. position, he said.

USdel gained the impression that China might propose in the Subcommittee an increase in its own quota and suggest that other Members make similar concessions to bring theU. S. figure down. Hsia felt it [Page 476] would be advisable for the U. S. to refrain from further pressing its case on the contributions scale.

[Here follows comment on another subject.]
