501.AA/12–546: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Acting United States Representative at the United Nations (Johnson)
305. USdel. 1. As you know the Department is prepared to support prompt consideration by the SC of the Siamese application for membership54 so that Siam’s admission can be accomplished by necessary SC and GA action during the present GA session. We think it would be particularly unfortunate in connection with reconsideration of rejected applications, however, for SC to make an adverse decision on Siam’s application at this time. The position you take in the Council with respect to the timing of a decision by the Council on Siam’s application should be guided accordingly.
2. Favorable action by SC on Siamese application appears now to depend largely on Soviet attitude. Should Soviet representative indicate either that he will support or not oppose Siamese application, you should endeavor to bring application to a vote following discussion in SC and without reference to Membership Committee. On other hand, in event it is learned that Soviet representative will oppose Siamese application or in event that Soviet position is undecided or unknown to you, application should probably be referred to Membership Committee in order to postpone immediate SC action.
3. Confidential telegram No. 1334 from Bangkok dated Dec 355 indicates Soviets have tentatively agreed to establish diplomatic relations with Siam subject certain conditions which officers in SEA here believe Siam will fulfill. Lack of diplomatic relations was, as you know, reason given by Soviet representative in Membership Committee last summer for opposition to Siamese application. In view of above and in order to minimize possibility that mistake in timing might prejudice favorable action by SC on Siamese application suggest you discuss matter with Prince Wan of Siamese delegation who is in [Page 457] New York and who should have latest information re Soviet attitude.