
Minutes of the Second Meeting of the Departmental Team on Admission of New Members to the United Nations, Department of State, Washington, April 10, 1946

[Here follows list of names of persons present (8), the same as at the April 9 meeting.]

The second meeting of the team on the admission of new members to the United Nations was held in Mr. Sandifer’s office at noon on April 10.

Two documents were submitted at the meeting:

A memorandum on the qualifications for admission to membership in the United Nations and the procedure to be followed by an applicant state.54 This document was prepared in OA in response to a request from Mr. Raynor, with the thought that it might be useful for guidance in the course of informal conversations with representatives of states desiring to apply for membership.
A draft resolution on the procedure to be adopted by the Security Council in connection with applications for membership.55 The form [Page 374] of the resolution was discussed at some length and a number of changes were suggested. It was agreed that much of the material in the preamble would be more appropriate for inclusion in the statement by our delegate if and when the resolution was introduced in the Security Council.

It was decided that Mr. Sandifer would take with him to New York the text of a revised resolution. It was the consensus of the team that there might be great advantages for the United States in taking the initiative, barring the existence of unfavorable political factors, and it was suggested that we might either propose this resolution as a new item on the agenda or present it as a substitute proposal when the Albanian issue arose. Mr. Sandifer stated that he would consult with the members of the delegation concerned with the problem and would present this point of view.

  1. Document SD/S/113, April 10, 1946, not printed; it is located in the IO Files.
  2. This first draft has not been found in the Department’s files.