501.BC/4–1546: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Stettinius)


24. To Johnson from Hiss. We transmitted to you today by pouch Minutes of the Twenty-ninth Meeting of Committee of Five Deputies at San Francisco on May 29, 1945.21 We call your attention to discussion on pages three to six inclusive, where Sobolev22 opposed Pasvolsky’s23 proposal that Conference answer list of questions on application of voting procedure on ground that Security Council itself after its organization should decide questions rather than Conference.

In our recommendation that Committee of Experts could usefully consider inventory of matters which should be determined by procedural or by substantive vote and in suggesting to Committee specific rules calling for procedural or substantive votes of Council, US is in effect carrying out procedure suggested in San Francisco by Soviet representative. [Hiss.]

  1. Not printed.
  2. A. A. Sobolev, member of the Soviet Delegation to the San Francisco Conference.
  3. Leo Pasvolsky, Adviser, United States Delegation to the San Francisco-Conference.