501.BC/4–1246: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Stettinius) to the Secretary of State
[via Courier]
71. Daily Secret Summary…
Committee of Experts…
[Page 262]The next document discussed was S/Procedure/51,14 a group of additional rules proposed for inclusion in the chapter on conduct of business. These were originally part of a list submitted by the U.S. representative15 and which were discussed by a three-man sub-committee appointed April 11. …
The U.S. representative, at the close of the meeting, explained that during the course of the meeting he had received new instructions from his government concerning Rule A16 (S/Procedure/51), which had already received general agreement in substance from the committee. Since his government had raised important questions of principle relating to it, he requested that the committee defer final approval of Rule A for several days;17 this was granted. …
- Attention is invited to the special procedure used in this compilation with regard to the printing of extracts in daily summary telegrams. As these telegrams are multi-subject, the usual Foreign Relations practice of describing omissions in a bracketed note is not followed. Instead, omissions are indicated by dots when such omissions involve subjects in the summary telegrams other than proposals under discussion by the Committee of Experts relative to Article 27.↩
- This document contained nine draft rules, “A” through “I”.↩
- Joseph E. Johnson.↩
- Regarding Rule A, see footnote*, p. 288.↩
- Presumably this was the result of the telephone conversation between Mr. Bancroft in Washington and Mr. Johnson in New York described in Bancroft’s memorandum, supra.↩