IO Files: US/A/158

Memorandum of Conversation, by Henry S. Villard of the United States Delegation Staff of Advisers


Mr. Esin68 approached me at Lake Success today in regard to our position on Turkey’s candidacy for the Economic and Social Council. He expressed the strong hope that we would continue to support his country whether it took one or more ballots. I explained that we would [Page 240] certainly vote for Turkey on the next ballot but that our course of action after that, if further balloting were necessary, had not been finally decided.

Mr. Esin then said that he wished to urge the United States Delegation not to mention the position described above in conversation with members of other delegations. He said that the element of uncertainty as to our course of action following the fifth ballot would only cast doubt in the minds of those whose support Turkey was endeavoring to enlist in its candidacy. He referred particularly in this connection to the Latin American States, and said that the lack of a clear cut attitude on our part would only weaken Turkey’s case.

I assured Mr. Esin that the United States Delegation had in fact adopted a policy of not discussing its position on the two remaining Economic and Social Council seats pending final clarification of our intentions.

Mr. Esin also urged that when we had finally made up our minds on the slate, which he hoped would be to support Turkey all the way through, we would notify other delegations of our decision. He felt that this was especially important in the case of the Latin Americans, who would probably follow the United States’ lead and whose vote might well be the deciding factor in the situation.

  1. Seyfullah Esin, Adviser to the Turkish Delegation, Director-General of the Turkish Ministry for Foreign Affairs.