IO Files: US/A/M (Chr.)/22

Minutes of the Twenty-Second Meeting of the United States Delegation, Held at New York, Hotel Pennsylvania, November 19, 1946, 9 a.m.


[Here follow list of names of persons present (31), and discussion concerning the first item in a Delegation consideration of the agenda for plenary sessions of the General Assembly projected for that day.]

[Page 226]

Council Elections

Mr. Sandifer expected that the greater part of the session would be taken up with the elections to the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council. He recalled that the United States slate for the Security Council was Belgium, Colombia, and Syria. It appeared from present evidence that the latter two would be elected on the first ballot. Other contenders included India, and there was just a possibility that it might be elected on a second ballot. In any case, the United States would continue to support Belgium unless some drastic change in the situation arose on the floor. Senator Austin inquired who might determine how the vote should be cast in that event. Mr. Sandifer replied that Senator Austin should make that decision with the advice of the Political Officers. Senator Austin stated that this matter was settled.

Mr. Sandifer recalled that the United States slate for the Economic and Social Council included the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Venezuela, and Turkey. He noted that Lebanon was a strong contender.

[Here follow brief discussion of two other items and a lengthy review of the troops question then pending before the First Committee.]