IO Files: US/A/82
Memorandum of Conversation, by Charles W. Yost of the United States Delegation Staff of Advisers
Subject: Slates for the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council
I described to Mr. Novikov38 our projected slates for the vacant memberships on these Councils, emphasizing that these slates are [Page 218] wholly tentative at this stage. Mr. Novikov said that the Soviet Delegation is considering this question within the next day or two and that he will let me know the Soviet preference as soon as Mr. Molotov’s39 decision is known. (It would appear from this and other indications that within the next day or two the Soviet Delegation may be going over its position on all the principal issues before the Assembly with the view to making decisions on these subjects before Mr. Molotov becomes involved in the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers.)