893.5034 Registration/8–1645: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Hurley) to the Secretary of State
[Received 1:50 p.m.]
1368. Pursuant to Department’s telegram 1244, August 11, 8 p.m., Embassy now understands from Dr. Sun Fo that revised company law probably will not be enacted for 2 weeks. If further views by Department or business groups can arrive within a week or 10 days, they can be considered by legislative committee.
Please inform Commerce that copy of Wiener’s36 memorandum of June 9 sent by Moser37 to Robertson under cover of letter dated June 14 did not arrive in Chungking until August 13. This memorandum has been of value as a coordinated expression of views of American [Page 1229] business. It is hoped that steps have been taken to provide the Embassy with a similar statement concerning the present draft legislation.