The Chinese Ambassador (Wei) to the Secretary of State 33
The Chinese Ambassador presents his compliments to the Secretary of State and has the honor to inform him that as of September 10, 1945, the Chinese Supply Commission, in view of the termination of the lend-lease system, has been reorganized and the Chinese Government has appointed Dr. S. C. Wang as Chairman of the Commission.
This agency will henceforth have the direction of all procurement in this country both for its current needs and for carrying out its economic reconstruction program. It will accordingly handle all [Page 1147] matters connected with purchasing and the negotiations therefor with U. S. Government agencies and private concerns for and on behalf of the Government. It may also be charged by the Government with related matters, such as the training of technicians in this country, etc.
The Ambassador will be obliged if the Secretary will be so good as to circularize the interested agencies of the United States Government34 that in future all business in connection with purchases for the Chinese Government should be addressed to the Chinese Supply Commission.
- Receipt of this note was acknowledged by the Secretary of State on October 16.↩
- Copies of the Chinese Ambassador’s note were transmitted to the Departments of Commerce, Army, Navy, Interior, and Treasury and to the Foreign Economic Administration, the Army-Navy Liquidation Commission, and the Export-Import Bank on October 10.↩