893.00/10–2345: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 23—8:55 a.m.]
3637. Soviet press October 23 publishes Ulan Bator despatch on preliminary results of Mongolian plebiscite held Oct. 20. Representative Central Plebiscite Commission is said to have informed Tass correspondent that in accordance with constitution all citizens 18 and over regardless of sex, religious faith or nationality voted in plebiscite. Four hundred ninety-four thousand and seventy-four citizens were registered for voting. According to preliminary data received by Oct. 22 from all 18 electoral districts, 483,291 people or 97.8% voted for state independence MPR.31 Not a single vote was cast against independence MPR. This unanimity had demonstrated before whole world ardent desire of free citizens of MPR to preserve sovereignty of their country achieved in struggle against its foes. Mongolian people had demonstrated in this most important political campaign its high patriotism, political maturity, high degree of organization and solidarity with Govt Central Committee of Mongolian people’s revolutionary army and leader of Mongolian people, Marshal Choibalsan. Plebiscite had been serious test for whole party and state machinery of republic. It could be said that this examination was passed brilliantly. Principles of democracy had been strictly observed by Plebiscite Commissions. From now on MPR would occupy honorable place among advanced independent states of world.
Chinese representative for observance of plebiscite, Lei Fa-chang,32 together with staff were present during voting Oct. 20 in two Ulan [Page 480] Bator precincts and had visited rural precinct 130 kilometers from Ulan Bator. Lei Fa-chang had expressed to MPR authorities his satisfaction with course of voting and had observed that plebiscite was conducted in strict accordance with democratic principles of free expression of will of MPR citizens.
Sent Dept. 3637, repeated Chungking 186.