Nanking Embassy Files, Lot F–73
Mr. Chou En-lai to the Ambassador in China (Hurley)21
Chairman Chiang Kai-shek of the National Government of China has invited Mr. Mao Tse-tung, chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, to come to Chungking to discuss national affairs. Upon the invitation, Mr. Mao Tse-tung arrived at Chungking on August the twenty-eighth to meet Chairman Chiang. They have conferred many times and at the same time appointed representatives from both sides to hold conferences. Representatives of the Kuomintang are: Wang Shih-chieh, Chang Chun, Chang Chih-chung, Shao Li-tse; and representatives of the Chinese Communist Party are: Chou En-lai and Wang Jo-fei. After twenty days’ effort, and constant contact with democratic leaders outside the Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party, both sides have agreed upon an unanimous conclusion; and issue the following communiqué:
- I.
- Relating to the fundamental direction of peaceful reconstruction,
it is unanimously admitted that the war against Japan in China has
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been victoriously
concluded; that a new period of peaceful reconstruction will start;
and that the Chinese people and all the anti-Japanese democratic
political parties and groups should,
- a.
- On the basis of peace, democracy, unity and unification, determinedly avoid civil war, build up an independent, free, prosperous and strong new China, and carry out the Three People’s Principles of Dr. Sun thoroughly.
- b.
- Recognize Mr. Chiang Kai-shek as the national leader.
- c.
- Recognize the legal status of the Kuomintang, the Chinese Communist Party, and all other anti-Japanese democratic parties, on the basis of equality; and firmly establish the plan for long-term cooperation and peacetime national reconstruction.
- II.
- Concerning problems related to the conclusion of the war, it has
been unanimously agreed that,
- a.
- The legal status of all the anti-Japanese forces which have contributed to the war against Japan and the people’s anti-Japanese governments in the enemy’s rear, should be recognized.
- b.
- Traitors should be severely punished by law, and the puppet troops dissolved.
- c.
- All the troops fighting against Japan should have the right to participate in works concerning the acceptance of Japanese surrender.
- III.
- Regarding the questions related to the conclusion of political
tutelage and the realization of constitutional government, it is
unanimously agreed that during the process of concluding the
party-rule, necessary steps should be immediately adopted to attain
political democracy, nationalization of troops, and equal and legal
status of political parties so as to achieve the unification of
military and political orders. The steps to be taken are:
- a.
- The national government is responsible to call a political conference of representatives of political parties and non-partisans to consult national affairs, to discuss questions such as the plan for unity and national reconstruction, the programme of democratic government, the participation of the various political parties in the government, the convocation of the national assembly, postwar reconversion and rehabilitation, etc.
- b.
- Active promotion of local self-government, the right of the provinces to draft local constitutions, and the practice of from-bottom-to-top popular election.
- c.
- Fair and rational reorganization of troops throughout the country, and the definite establishment of a plan to carry out the work in several periods.
- d.
- The establishment of military areas and the system of recruitment and conscription.
- 3. [e]
- The assurance of the rights of the people to freedoms of speech, press, assembly, association, body, belief, etc. which are enjoyed by the people in all the democratic countries in peacetime; the abolition and revision of the existing laws, orders and regulations not in compliance with this principle.
- f.
- Strict prohibition of the right of any other organizations besides the judicial and police organs to arrest, try and punish.
- g.
- The release of all patriotic political prisoners.
- IV.
- The concrete program to put into practice the above mentioned points and related subjects should be discussed and decided upon by the forthcoming political conference.
- V.
- The negotiation between the two parties in the past twenty days has been carried on under friendly and harmonious atomsphere. Both parties believe that efforts will be made, on the basis of mutual trust and mutual concession, in the forthcoming negotiation and political conference, so that a satisfactory result may be attained.
- VI.
- The enthusiastic help of General Patrick Hurley, the American Ambassador in China, is appreciated in the fine outcome of negotiation.
- Handed by Chou En-lai to the Ambassador in China on September 16.↩