740.0011 PW/2–1245: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Hurley) to the Secretary of State

209. Following summary Military Attaché’s review week ending 10th:

Capture by Japs of U. S. air base at Kanhsien on February 6 marked completion of all immediate enemy objectives with exception of small portion Canton–Hankow Railway still being contested by Chinese guerrillas. With capture of remaining section Japs will be in position to drive eastward toward coast, such moves already begun from Kanhsien, Kukong and Canton areas. Drive from Kukong reached Tayu and Hsinfeng (Kiangsi) and troops from Tsengcheng captured Lungmen. Recent strengthening of enemy forces in Nanchang–Chinhua areas indicates possibility of Jap drives southward to coordinate with thrusts from Hunan–Kwangtung. Large scale movement of enemy troops reported in north and central China; heavy troop movements down Tientsin–Pukow railway to Nanking–Shanghai–Hangchow areas; and arrival of three divisions to reinforce Shantung–Kiangsu area. Movements indicate trend toward consolidating enemy coastal positions against possible Allied invasion and attempt to secure internal positions against increasing guerrilla activity. No indications of enemy drive westward toward Sian at present.
