800.0146/5–945: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Hurley) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 9—9:18 a.m.]
746. The Chinese Government has again raised the question of Chinese participation in administration of liberated areas [(]Please see despatch 2970, September 19, 19442 and related correspondence[)], the Acting Foreign Minister3 calling on me on May 7 to present informally the text of a new Chinese draft, which I am transmitting by separate telegram.4 I, of course, recognize that this matter is of primary interest to our military and naval authorities but it also has obvious important political implications.
The evident purpose of the Chinese Government is to pave the way for the reestablishment of its authority, having in mind the Communist situation in areas adjacent to the coast. The significance in that connection of such phrases as “officials despatched by the Chinese Government shall immediately assume responsibility for all administrative affairs” is apparent. [(]Please see also last clause of article 3, and article 4[.)] In commenting to Dr. Wu, who indicated that T. V. Soong5 may raise the matter at an early call with the Department, I said that a decision in the matter naturally rested in the first instance with the Joint Chiefs of Staff in consultation with the State Department, and I emphasized the undesirability of adopting any arrangement which could result in hindering military operations (I mentioned specifically the question of jurisdiction, article 4).
Pending the receipt of further instructions from the Department, I shall continue to be guided by the views set forth in the Department’s secret telegram No. 1166, September 12 [2], 1944, 5 p.m.6
[Page 1484]General Wedemeyer7 has read and approved this telegram. He comments that this approach may be further indication of the pressure to which he is now constantly exposed to reveal to the Chinese war plans which he considers should not be disclosed for security reasons.
- Not printed, but see telegram No. 1581, September 19, 1944, from the Ambassador in China, ibid., p. 1169.↩
- K. C. Wu.↩
- No. 747, May 9, infra.↩
- Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs, then in the United States.↩
- Foreign Relations, 1944 vol. vi, p. 1167.↩
- Lt. Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer, Commanding General, United States Forces in China Theater and Chief of Staff, China Theater.↩