
The Chinese Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs (Wu) to the American Ambassador in China (Hurley)10


Excellency: With reference to the Ministry’s acknowledgment dated August 29, 1944 of receipt of the Embassy’s note transmitting a copy of a memorandum submitted by the American and Foreign Power Company, I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency’s formal note of May 3, 1945, enclosing a copy of a monograph submitted by the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, New York City, concerning the history, rights and obligations of the Shanghai Telephone Company, Fed. Inc., U.S.A., the China Electric Company, Ltd., and the Commercial Pacific Cable Company and requesting that the monograph be placed on record with the Ministry.11 The enclosed copy of the monograph has been received.

The properties aforementioned are at present under control of the enemy. The Chinese Government, after the termination of the war, will of course take appropriate steps in accordance with the provisions of Articles II and III of the Sino-American Treaty of 1943.

I avail myself [etc.]

K. C. Wu

Political Vice Minister
In Charge of Ministerial Affairs
(Sealed) Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the Ambassador in China in his despatch No. 402, May 16; received May 25.
  2. None printed.