711.93/12–1945: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in China (Robertson)
2022. The President on December 18 sent the letter quoted below to the heads of the following agencies: Treasury, Commerce, Agriculture, Interior, Eximbank, Civil Aeronautics Board, Maritime Commission, Federal Communications Commission, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and to Mr. E. A. Locke, Special Representative of the President.
“I enclose a copy of a White House press release of December 15, 1945, which contains a statement of United States policy towards China.64 You will note that the last paragraph of this release states:
‘As China moves towards peace and unity along the lines described above, the United States would be prepared to assist the National Government in every reasonable way to rehabilitate the country, improve the agrarian and industrial economy, and …65 would be prepared to give favorable consideration to Chinese requests for credits and loans under reasonable conditions for projects which would contribute towards the development of a healthy economy throughout China and healthy trade relations between China and the U. S.[’]
In my instructions to General Marshall I informed him that I desired him, as my Special Representative, to bring to bear in an appropriate and practicable manner the influence of the United States to the end that the unification of China by peaceful democratic methods may be achieved as soon as possible. I also authorized him to inform Chiang Kai-shek and other Chinese leaders that ‘a China disunited and torn by civil strife could not be considered realistically as a proper place for American assistance’ in connection with the Chinese desire for credits, technical assistance in the economic field and military assistance.
In order that General Marshall’s mission may not be prejudiced in any way, I desire that all conversations with Chinese officials regarding extension of American economic or financial aid to China, in which officers of your organization may be participating, be suspended, and that for the time being no member of your staff engage in conversations with Chinese officials, which might encourage the Chinese to hope that this Government is contemplating the extension of any type of assistance to China, except in accordance with the recommendations of General Marshall.
All discussions and negotiations with Chinese in this country should be initiated or resumed and carried on only in complete coordination with General Marshall and recommendations in the premises, both from and to General Marshall, should be cleared through the Department of State.”
Please inform the representatives in China of any of these agencies.