893.34/259a: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Gauss)

773. 1. For your confidential information the Chinese Ambassador upon return to Washington called at the White House and requested, in behalf of his Government, that 4 United States destroyers and 4 mine layers be given to China.

2. This matter has received careful consideration. The Department feels in view of the limited practical assistance which it is possible to give to China at the present time and the serious economic, financial, and military difficulties confronting the Chinese, that a favorable response to this request, provided the Navy is agreeable, would have a beneficial effect upon Chinese morale and would constitute further concrete evidence of our desire to support and assist China.

3. Accordingly the Navy Department has been orally informed that the Department viewed with favor the granting of the request [Page 95] on the understanding that those vessels will be transferred to the Chinese under Lend-Lease. You will be advised in due course of the Navy’s decision.

4. For your information these vessels will probably not be transferred to the Chinese until some time in 1945 and will initially be used for the training of the Chinese naval personnel now in this country.

5. Please inform the Vice President of the foregoing upon his arrival at Chungking, as this matter was mentioned to him in conversation by me before his departure from Washington.
